Helpful Links

ACOG Patient Page - The American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecologists

American College of Nurse Midwives -the professional association that represents certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives in the United States.

American Pregnancy Association -Conception, pregnancy, birth & beyond. On "Having a Doula"

Baby Center - Conception, pregnancy, birth & beyond. Groups/Forums as well; a mothering connection!

Birth Boot Camp - Your headquarters for natural birth!

Birth Without Fear -Inspiring Birth Stories

Breech Babies - Another Variation of Normal: with resources for (natural) methods of encouraging baby to turn. Normal Breech Birth: with literary resources. The Importance of Labor: Why wait for labor to start naturally as opposed to schedule a cesarean.

Bring Birth Home - "Empowering & educating about the choice to birth at home"

Campaign for Normal Birth - "Together, we can change the way childbirth happens. The Campaign aims to inspire and support normal birth practice. It's a reminder that good birth experiences can happen despite the challenges. Intervention and caesarean shouldn't be the first choice - they should be the last."

Cesarean rates by state -on the "No Elective" Campaign

Consumer Guide to Mercury in Fish -which fish are safe?

Childbirth Connection - "Helping women and healthcare professionals make informed maternity care decisions."

CIMS - Coalition for Improving Maternal Services

Destination Maternity - Maternity Clothes & edamame Maternity Spa, Belly Casts too!

Evidence Based Birth -author Rebecca L. Dekker, PhD, RN, APRN promoting birth options & evidence-based materinty care.

FARE - Food Allergy Research & Education

Guiding Angels Birth Services - Professional perinatal support for Northern & Central Arizona

ICAN - International Cesarean Awareness Network

ICAN of Phoenix - "Dedicated to providing valley women and families witht he education, support and resources they need to plan a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). In addition to VBAC support we are also here to help and support women recovering from a cesarean, as well as advocate for more VBAC resources and options for future birthing moms."  

Improving Birth - a movement promoting birth options & the right to informed care.

Kelly Mom - Breastfeeding Support

Lamaze International - Push for Better

March of Dimes - Pregnancy & Babies; information & campaignes

Midwives Rising - Phoenix AZ midwifery care, events and childbirth education

Mothering - Natural Family Living

Pinterest - Filled with Pregnancy & Birth Information, Allergy friendly links & recipes, DIY & crafty ways to save, Breastfeeding & more.

Placenta Encapsulation - Northern Arizona

Spinning Babies - Optimal Fetal Positioning

VBAC - Evidence-based resources, educational materials, and support for VBAC and cesarean prevention. "A woman centered, evidence based resource" on doulas

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Jennifer Valencia | Labor & Postpartum Doula | 928.300.1337


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